Although recently emphasized, adaptability has been a fundamental aspect of nature for millions of years. It encompasses the ability to problem-solve and adjust to new situations, as well as the capacity to adapt to changing conditions on multiple levels. The Adaptability Quotient (AQ) measures one’s ability to navigate change effectively.

The significance of focusing on developing one’s AQ stems from the need for personal confidence in an ever-evolving work environment. As we confront the conditions of the 4th industrial revolution, reimagining the nature of work becomes imperative. A robust AQ provides the freedom to connect new elements and envision solutions for complex problems. Persistent job-related concerns diminish one’s inclination for risk-taking, pivotal for fostering innovation. Without the willingness to venture into uncharted territory, our grasp of what is achievable remains incomplete.

In design, the initial stages of problem-solving are marked by a divergent process, emphasizing the creation of numerous ideas. While maintaining a balanced approach to delivering innovative solutions is essential, generating unconventional ideas is critical for addressing the significant challenges of our time.

It is frequently observed that each unconventional idea harbours a measure of brilliance. Building one’s AQ is an inherent process involving exercises we once mastered during childhood.

Stay tuned for further workshops and courses to cultivate your AQ fitness routine!